
The publishing of mine that referred to erroneous misdiagnosis and medicating of kids with ADD/ADHD just won me a Gold Prize Award with ViewsHound. To get your Kindle copy of this publishing, simply click on the link above and it will take you to Amazon and directly to the site.  Jumping for joy, of course!

The Trials of a Soccer Mom!

It’s Cool to be a Soccer Mom!

Are you embarking on the demanding role of being a soccer mom?  Do you even know the trials that a soccer mom has to go through to be successful in this time consuming and costly venture?  This publishing soon to be released on Kindle tells all for those moms, or dads, with kids that want to join the local league.  For those moms who don’t want to be soccer moms, or whose kids are grown and they have kids of their own, this publishing gives an insight and a greater appreciation of what these courageous moms have to go through. On a more educational note, this article tells of all that’s involved from cost to physical endurance. Before signing your kid up for the local league, read this article!                                                                                                             

My Review of the Movie, “The Conspirator.”


The movie, “The Conspirator,” tells the tale of a time when President Lincoln was assassinated and the following court hearing to determine who would be held responsible for such a dastardly deed.  As I watched, mainly for the insight on this historic event, which has some quite graphic violence included initially, I became glued to my television with the unfolding of all that occurred at that time.  My interest escalated as the higher political characters resorted to holding a woman accountable as a major conspirator to this tragic affair, and my anger soared as I witnessed the portrayal of a very dysfunctional judicial system such as it existed back in the day.  As I continued to watch this incredible movie, produced by Robert Redford, my blood began to boil as I observed the shenanigans’ of the higher powers that be, for that time, in the way they manipulated events to be brought to a conclusion that had nothing to do with true justice or the way our forefathers intended true justice to evolve.  Not wanting to give away all that took place in this incredibly powerful movie of historic events, such adverse coercion and manipulation, apart from what the facts determinately showed, reminded me of current times.  I can’t reiterate how many times I have received stories of injustice, violation of civil rights, and unethical familiarities that have led to legal and judicial decisions that had nothing to do with the evidence presented, the testimonies given, or the truth of what actually existed.  Sadly, in this movie, with each witness that presented themselves on the stand, coerced by the prosecutor to say that which they desired to hear, apart from what the truth actually was, poor Mary Surratt took the fall, as no more than an example, for a son so despicable that he wouldn’t step forward to save his mother and take the blame for which he was justly worthy of.  Leaving, probably, the only truth-seeking, defending, attorney that ever existed, to wallow in a shattered life as a result of his committment to fighting for what he truly believed was, and appeared to be, the truth, Mary Surratt’s innocence.    This is a truly great movie, produced by one of our greatest actors ever, but it tells of horrors that continue to exist in our judicial and legal system today.

Thanks to All My New Kindle Customers!

Truly an Advocate for Domestic Violence Victims

                                           I just want to say thanks to all those that have so far brought and read my Kindle books and the kind comments that you have sent to me about the information contained in them. I’m glad that you are able to receive valuable information from them that is helping you in your own personal situations.  Feedback from my readers is very important to me and lets me know what you like, what information you crave more of, and let’s me know further what information I can share with you to help ease whatever dramatic situation you maybe in.   Remember, if you would like me to come and do a presentation for your group or a book signing at your store, please contact me via my email at:
Being an advocate of Domestic Violence, and knowing how corrupt and unethical the court system and its other supportive departments can be, I’m here for you if you need to contact me about any dilemmas that you maybe having even if they’re not related to either of these mentioned situations.  Wishing all of my readers, and those readers to come, a terrific day, remember, no matter what dilemmas you may face, keep smiling!                                                                                                                                                                       

You Think You Got Problems with Child Protective Services?

Check out this link that will take you to my Kindle page for this book!

This latest article that I wrote for Kindle tells of the deviant acts and practices of Child Protective Services and my personal experience with this department.  Vital information for someone going through something similar, about to have dealings with this department, or if you know of someone in that position.  Shows how the other departments are scared of CPS and avoids confronting them.  Addresses the overall corruption, dysfunction, and inappropriateness of the systems that are supposed to protect us and reiterates the many areas in which they fail.  Personally, I share experiences that my youngest son and I have had with this department, and the intentional conspiracy, perjury, and fraudulent practices of one or more of the social workers that me, my son, and the entire family was forced to have dealings with. Forewarned is forearmed, and ignorance in this subject could be detrimental to you, your children, and your family as a whole.

Newly Published on Kindle!

Newly Published on Kindle

Just wanted to let you know that I am now a published author having my first article published on Kindle, “1960’s English, Lazy, Crazy, Days of Summer!”  Check it out!  I know my high school teacher, who always encouraged me to become an author will be very happy about now!  If you buy the article, please let me know what you think?! These articles supplement my soon to be released book, “Edie’s Castle: Part One: Paula’s Prophecy.”

Those 1960’s, English, Lazy, Crazy, Days of Summer!

Check out this book on my Kindle now by clicking on the link below!

This book of mine on Kindle takes you back to those 1960’s lazy, lay back days of summer, only this is a day in the life of a child in England.  As you read this article, it will remind you of how we have evolved from these carefree days into the busy lifestyles that we all live.  Serving as a reminder of how we all need to return to this kind of lifestyle for our well-being, the reader will get a small taste of what English life was like back then in those lazy, slow living days of village life in the midst of the summer.  Check  it out now on Amazon and let me know what you think!  In the intense descriptions of the scenery and the life, close your eyes and visualise, you’ll almost think you are there to!


Watch Out for this Terrific New Book Release!

This terrific new book, the first in a series of three which tells the whole, entirely horrific, and true life story, is due to be released in late October.  It tells of a child growing up in England with aspirations, as a result of her friendships with American, military, children, of coming to, “The Land of Milk & Honey.”  Although her dream is discarded as a result of her love relationships and rekindled many times, a sweet old psychic reveals that, despite Linda’s constant change of mind her dreams are to come true, but  further refuses to tell the horrors in the cards that she sees there.  Over the years, this book covers the wonders of growing up in England, the trials and tribulations of relationships, including domestic violence, death defying experiences, mystical events that have no legitimate explanations, adolescense and all of its dysfunctions, marriage, adventure of exploring a new life, and much more. This book will be available online at Borders, Barnes & Nobles, and  It will also be available on kindle to. Watch out for its release in late October.

Cuts to Aid Financially Failing America: Let’s Start at the Top!

I just now figured it out how to increase the finanical well being of America, let’s start with more cuts in spending starting at the top!  See below:

Salary of the US President ……………….$400,000
Salary of retired US Presidents ………….$180,000
Salary of House/Senate …………………..$174,00​0
Salary of Speaker of the House …………$223,500
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders …… $193,400
…Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN IRAQ $38,000
I think we found where the cuts should be made !

What’s your thoughts on this?  If we did significant cuts in this type of frivilous and exorbitant spending, think how much we could save and recoup over the years?  Let me know what your thoughts on this are ploease?  Thank you.

Restore America Financially: Stop False & Inappropriate Disability Claims!

So, America has had a drop in credit rating huh?  Our financial deficit continues to climb and be insolvable huh?   Well, I have a concern that, if resolved, would save this country millions of dollars in fraudulent expenditures and help ease some of that huge deficit that hangs over this country’s financial well-being, false Disability claims.

            This is a chronic problem that no one seems to want to appropriately address and continues to be an unresolved issue year after year.  Not aided by the money hungry attorneys who, through multiple ads mostly on the television, profess that no matter what they can win you the right to a monthly disability check, the lazy ass population of America who thinks the world owes them a living continues to fight the fight inappropriately, in all too many cases, for that free income that lets them live a leisurely life without having to work for a living.  Not only are these false claims coming from people that allege false physical disabilities that are hard to prove, such as chronic back pain, headaches, and other hard to prove conditions, but, even worse, many are as a result of fraudulent mental health claims that can easily be faked such as depression, bipolar disorder, (which probably applies to about 99.9% of the population at some point in time of their lives or another), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the occurrence of various addictions!

            Let’s look first at the complaints of a physical nature such as chronic back pain and/or headaches along with similar other hard to prove ailments.   Unless there is physical evidence of such, as in x-ray and similar type tests, such complaints remain purely subjective. On many occasions, these individuals may be diagnosed with mental disorders as a result of their complaints that bear no evidence other than the complainants say so.   Such complaints are purely subjective, and without evidence of, in many cases, any physiological foundation. These people, with complaints such as this, continuously show up on repeated occasions in emergency rooms, both private, where they might have insurance, and/or in county hospitals, especially if they don’t have insurance, further adding to the financial burden of the counties within which they live and seek treatment from. These frequent visits to emergency rooms, stays in hospitals, and sick days off of their current employment serve as further proof that the disability seeking client truly has some disorder making them ineligible for the work force.  The attorneys that represent them, knowing that, at some point in time they will surely get their share also, continue to fight the good fight knowing that their undaunting efforts ultimately will win them a hefty check also, or payment from their client, even if over the course of many years, until such debt is cleared. These battles so aggressively fought on behalf of the “Disabled client,” tie up court rooms needlessly for years to come, backing up courtrooms and the drudge of local battles to be fought there, and cost the counties, states, and the country as a whole even more millions of thousands of dollars as a result of these fraudulent claims.

            Then, even worse, we come to the Mental Health allegations.  Now, don’t get me wrong, if someone truly is, and I mean truly as evidenced by multiple legitimate tests and the resultant facts that state so, mentally ill and not in control of their behaviors, I’m all for them getting what they deserve as a means to help them survive to an appropriate standard of living in this world.   Having been a healthcare professional for twenty years, I can honestly say that, in all too many incidents, there are way too many fakers and fraudulent claims by people alleging this or that mental illness and how such illness incapacitates them.  All too often, observing these same fraudulent claimants, they are more able to work than I am!   It becomes very apparent, from day one, that all they seek is the almighty monthly government check freeing them up from the daily grind of having to work so that they live their lives doing whatever it is they wish to do on a daily basis, even at a lower standard of living, and be free from working America!  How many of us, for instance, have been depressed at one point or another in our lives?  How many have stated, “I don’t feel like going to work today?”  I understand that depression is a legitimate mental illness, treatable by medications, but, I think, as long as you can walk, talk, move all your limbs with little or no constraint, and have a well- functioning brain otherwise, then you have the capacity to work, the ability to work, and this should not be a candidate for our tax dollars delivered to them free in a monthly disability check?  How many that have physical disabilities continue to strive to pursue some form of productive employment day after day despite that which has been handed down to them limiting their ability to function as other “Normal,” Americans do?  All too many people, pursuing the almighty monthly disability check use their addictions and subjective mental health diagnosis’ to be nonproductive, stay at home, lazy Americans.   How many thousands of millions of dollars would it save America to treat these people’s ailments, discharge them from the hospital, as you would any physical ailment, and say, “Okay, you’re fixed for now, go back to work until the next time!” 

            Even though I didn’t approve of this resolution, I had to laugh at one local disc jockey’s resolution to the problem of fraudulent Americans trying to suck off the system inappropriately by falsely alleging disabilities where they could have been, at least intermittently, productive, working Americans.  His statement publicly on the radio, and this DJ is very opinionated and outspoken in all of his thoughts, stated a resolution that, despite its lack of empathy and humanitarian approach, would have resolved the entire issue once and for all.  He stated for all the drug addicts, those with addictions to drugs and alcohol, to be allowed to do as much of their chosen drug of choice as they so wanted to, and, ultimately, being given that freedom, as he stated, we would eventually rid the entire gene pool of such individuals, therefore, saving hundreds of thousands in needless disability checks!!!!!!! I’m sorry, despite its inappropriateness; I couldn’t help but crack up laughing!!!!!  Hey, maybe I’m mentally ill if I think that’s funny, maybe I need a disability check!?

            In all reality, all humor aside, I believe that, if we treated unfounded complaints that bear no evidence outside of the subjective say so of the complainant, if we could treat mental health illness as we do physical ailments by fixing them and putting them back into working America, even if only temporarily until the next time, and refuse disability to those with otherwise good working bodies, brains, and the ability to do something, as opposed to nothing, then think of how much that would lower the out of control U.S.A. deficit?  Such refusal to pay out to those who may have periods of being productive would surely help to bring America back into the financial black instead of the fast, failing, financial red. Those seeking, and falsely alleging, disability are undermining and killing America financially, so, in lowering the deficit, why don’t we start right there?  Maybe then, and in that way after a period of time, we could begin to approach the opportunity to restore some of that U.S. Credit rating, or, at least, it would be a giant step in the right direction would it not?